Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel



Date question raised


Date of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents

2 star – local area issue

Deadline for officer response


Name of officer responding

Michael Raywood

Officer job title

Housing Manager

Title of Question:

Davey Bank Drive


There is overhanging foliage at the bottom end of Davey Drive, which is obstructing the pavement, and presents a hazard to those who are in wheelchairs, have mobility issues, or have pushchairs.



While some action has been taken by the Council after 4 years to resolve the ongoing issues of the overgrown banks along Davey Drive, there is overhanging foliage along the bottom section of the road which needs to be cut back.

Residents appreciate that certain areas of the banks cannot be cleared during breeding season to protect wildlife. However, the 1-metre-wide strip at the bottom of the bank that has now been cleared needs to be regularly maintained to prevent it becoming overgrown again.

A contractor was hired in April to deal with the problem, but nothing has happened.

The area needs regular maintenance, but this is not happening.


Action requested by residents:

When will the foliage overhanging the wall of the bank at the bottom of the Upper Hollingdean Road end of Davey Drive be cut back?


Officer Response:  Robert Woodbridge


Officer contact details:



An Environmental improvements proposal was received from the Housing manager to clear the bank along the bottom end of Davey drive between Hollingdean Road & Horton Road. Whilst funding was approved to clear the bank as far as possible it has proven difficult to get this carried out due to the thickness of the brambles and the steepness of the slope causing safety issues pedestrian operated machinery or larger vehicles.


After a number of attempts to procure the work a highways contractor was able to arrange a temporary closure of the footpath to enable machinery to drag out the bramble bushes in the lower 3m strip, Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to clear any higher as the pavement couldn’t take the weight of a larger machinery.


This strip was cleared in march and a landscape fabric put on the area to reduce the regrowth in the area. Whilst this has predominately worked there was a small strip adjacent to the wall that has grown out under the landscape fabric. This regrowth was left at first as it contains wild flowers, but further works are currently being procured to clear this front regrowth, re-pin the landscape fabric  and to plant slow growing shrubs through the landscape fabric in the Autumn.


Once the landscaping works are completed the Housing manager, Michael Raywood, will need to arrange for future maintenance through housing’s current provider.


Specific Action:




Further works are being procured to clear the regrowth, re-pin the landscape fabric, and plant slow growing shrubs through the landscape fabric in Autumn.




Start date:


End date:
